The writing prompt was “Don’t drop the pizza!” We had 5 minutes to write.
Pizza anyone?
“Don’t drop the pizza!”, she said.
“Why would I do that?” he replied
“Because that is what you do. Every time you want to act like a fancy waiter, you drop whatever you’re holding,” she said.
“Do you think that I do that intentionally?”
“No,” she said, “ you’re just clumsy and an idiot. Just hand me the pizza.”
He looked at her and called out, “Here, catch,” making a motion to throw.
“Look out!” She screamed, but it was too late.
She knew that he was just faking the throw, but also saw the cat cross his path.
There is no 5 second rule on pizza. Once pizza hits the ground it’s a goner.
“I give up,” she said. “Next time we eat out at the pizza place.”