The writing spark was Everyday Joys. The prompt I chose was – Write about a character who does not appreciate the good things in their life. What happens? We had 25 minutes.
Nothing ever goes right!
No matter how hard I try
The faucet just won’t stop dripping
The rain will not water my plants
Water fills the basement
I have no control
Mosquitoes buzz just to taunt me
Bites turn to red,
They itch
The protection is useless
Now the bread rises
And now it flops
I’ve done nothing different
Things constantly change
This world is a mess
They say my vote counts
I write and post, but who reads?
Why won’t the obvious prevail?
Then night comes
Music fills my ears
Dreams demand gratitude
The emptiness begins to lessen
Granules of hope take root
Your wife, your child, your friends
Your nature, your perseverance, your life
You hold the power of change
Though small, it’s within
You find solace
Stay the course
Let worries diminish
Find joy in what you have
Just be who you are