From the look on Alvin’s face, you know that he is not there. It’s that vacant stare, the look of far awayness. Somewhere out there on some other dimensional plane, Alvin is in deep thought, unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Alvin can recite back to you every word that you’ve spoken, but ask him what you were talking about and he is clueless. At least that is what others say about him.
Alvin’s mind is a collection of the world. He sees everything and knows everything. Usually all at the same time.
It’s hard to rattle Alvin. He’s helpful, courteous, and shows a clear interest in what everyone is doing. But there’s that project he wants to start, that book he’s reading, the schedule he wants to keep, the dream he had last night, the analysis of the latest data he’s collected, and on and on. Simultaneously going on in his head. How can he possibly focus on any one thing and respond knowing the answer?
But he does.
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