Whiplash: An injury to the neck caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward; And in the case of writing or speaking, can be caused by a rapid change of topic without prior notice.
Whiplash! – “I” can’t keep up with all these changes.
I get my ideas for writing from a number of sources. While I was teaching my writing was focused on my teaching. Those journals covered the 33 years that I taught. I wrote when I felt like it based on what was going on in my class and district. After I retired, I wrote on all different topics, depending on the mood I was in and what popped into my head. Pretty much all of those writings can be found on this blog. I go to a writer’s group once a month; in those meetings, our leader gives us a prompt with a number of choices to pick from. For those writing pieces I have 15 – 20 minutes to write; they’re also found on this blog. For the A to Z Challenge the past four years, I’ve been brainstorming with others (family, friends, colleagues, and students) to both come up with ideas for the theme and what to write about for each letter.
My goal continues to be to try and write every day. I continue to collect prompts and ideas from various writers’ groups and from a daily calendar that my son gifted me. I started out strong on my goal to write daily, but have not been as consistent as I want to be. April is always a good time to get me writing a lot again. There’s this A to Z thing.
A person in my writing group once wrote about the Klondike diet that she was on. For those of you that don’t know what a Klondike bar is, it is a chocolate covered, rectangular bar of ice cream. My favorites are Mint Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, and Double Chocolate. The focus of this diet is that you keep eating ice cream, specifically Klondike bars each night and you lose weight. Surprisingly as it seems, having ice cream before 9:00 at night, mostly Klondike bars,
seems to work for me. My wife’s theory is that when you have a fatty snack before bedtime your body uses up a lot of metabolism in trying to digest it while you sleep, increasing the possibility of weight loss. Whatever the reason, when I weigh myself in the morning after having an evening bar, I am usually at the same weight as the day before, or I’ve lost weight. I guess I would need some control subjects to see if this is scientifically accurate. But as long as I can eat my Klondike bars and maintain weight, I don’t care.
Where does your imagination come from? Are you born with it? Do you have any control over it? I’ve heard it said about some people, that they have no imagination. Is it possible to not have any? What triggers your imagination? Do your dreams come from your imagination? Are there particular parts of your brain that control imagination? If so, are there ways to stimulate your imagination or mute it? I imagine some of you have some thoughts on this subject. Care to share?
So where do you get your ideas to write from? Do you write at all? Are you willing to join the Klondike bar diet? And, Is imagination real or just a figment of our imagination?
Till we meet again…Whiplash! – “J”walking is a ticketable offense while reading this blog
I’m happy to have made my way here, and had a great fun experiencing your brand of whiplash. You are definitely a master, although my brain definitely aspires to your status. I’m also happy to take your prescription for the Klondike bar diet – sounds delish to me.
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