A to Z Challenge 2019 Reveal
When my mind wanders it is amazing the thoughts and nonsense that it comes up with. When I was teaching I was known for bringing up topics that had nothing to do with the conversation that was taking place. One teacher complained that I was giving her whiplash every time I did that. It became a process in any conversations I was involved in that I could preempt these kinds of reactions by just announcing the word “Whiplash”, meaning what I’m about to say has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.
This will be the theme that I’m going to base my 2019 A to Z Challenge Blog on. For each letter of the alphabet I will start writing about something that connects to a topic that starts with that letter. As my mind starts to wander and another idea for that letter pops into my head, I will signal, “Whiplash” and continue by writing on that new topic.
Don’t forget when you are writing down ideas that you are going to publish, you don’t have to get things perfect. Writing with mistakes only shows that you are human and mistakes will be made. It does help to plan ahead and re-read before publishing but even great writers have typos and errors in their writing.
I once had a parent have their son transferred out of my class, because I had spelling errors on his report card. This was before computers and spell checkers. Their thoughts were anyone who can’t write without making mistakes and sending that writing home, shouldn’t be teaching their child. Also, I actually put up on a bulletin board, student work that had errors. I only know this was the reason for the transfer because my principal shared that information with me. Every time I run into that parent, she always apologetically tells me, “It wasn’t because of you, that we had our son transferred.” Yeah, right! That’s not what I heard.
So sit back and be prepared for whatever topics, issues, anecdotes, and wild ideas pop into my head each day as I tackle each letter of the alphabet. Get ready for…
That sounds like the kind of whiplash that I don’t mind at all. I often think in that way.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I will be there to read about Whiplash! Intriguing.