As I was walking with my nephews today, we got onto a conversation about wishes, which reminded me of a piece of writing I did years ago on our summer vacation to Canada.
Dream Wishes
Last night I had a very thought provoking dream. It involved being alloted wishes. Imagine that you have been given all the wishes that you wanted with the following conditions: You only have 24 hours with which to use them and at the end of the 24 hours there is no guarantee that what you wished for that was not a material object would remain.
When I was given the wishes I had a lot of sleepless dilemmas as to what to wish for. I knew that I couldn’t wish for more wishes, since I had an unlimited amount of wishes within the 24 hours.
If you were to make an altrustic wish, such as world peace, end hunger, hate, etc. It possibly would only last for 24 hours. Not a good use of a wish.
The old saying give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime, came into my thoughts in this context. Instead of wishing to end all the hate and violence in the world, could I wish for people to learn not to hate or be violent? Christina says no, because people should already know now that it is not good to hate and be violent, but people choose to be anyway.
Then the thought came should I wish for a certain person to be president or not. The problem here is that I am no God and cannot predict the future. The saying don’t ask for something you may get it falls into play here. How do I know that putting someone else in a position of power, won’t end up creating a bigger problem than we already have due to some things that I am totally unaware of. So again do I wish for people to think better, or learn about different things to make smarter choices? Oh yeah and there’s that 24 hour thing again.
I know that one of the wishes I did have was that we would have an exciting,fun and good vacation, which is what we’re on right now to Canada. Wishing people health for a while was one of my first wishes also. Of course both of those wishes came before the 24 hour rule was put in place. I think that the 24 hour rule was only thrown in as a suggestion to think about when I started to think about more global wishes.