A to Z Challenge 2020: Y is for Year

Y is for Year

Yearthe time it takes a planet to go all around the sun. 

On Earth, that would be 365.25  Earth days. On Venus (the planet closest to Earth), that would be 224.7 Earth days. On Neptune (the planet in our solar system farthest away from Earth), 60,182 Earth days. 

Interestingly, your pet dogs or cats also do not follow human years as they age. The adage that for every one year of dog life is an equivalent of 7 years in human life is incorrect. That answer is an average. Dogs and cats age faster when they are young, so the equivalent age for dogs (and cats; similar to small dogs) are more like the following table: 

So the concept of a year is relative; to what you are and where you live.  Thinking about how old you are, which number would you prefer to have?  A short age number, with an older age feel, which would be the case as a dog/cat or living on Neptune. Or a large numbered age, but actually feel younger as if you lived on Mercury (88 days to an Earth year) or Venus. I’ve always been partial to Venus. 

Now you never have to worry about lying about your age. If someone asks your age, just decide whether you want to be an Earth old number or an Earth young number. Let them try to calculate it. I’m 113.1 years old on Venus and only 37 years old on Mars. I won’t even go into how old I am in cat/dog years.  

Problem solved. 

So how old are you? 

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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3 Responses to A to Z Challenge 2020: Y is for Year

  1. The Operation Awesome blog is 10!
    That’s 40.1 on Mercury. Woo! Thanks for quadrupling our age.
    ~Operation Awesome team

  2. Linda Curry says:

    I can’t believe my real age. Most of the time I feel 40 which is when I had no aches and pains and was a mother of young children. My mother died when she was ten years older than me. Scary thought. Next year I hit a big zero which puts me into an even older category. I have read that “old” is ten years older than you are yourself. My husband says “you are only as old as the woman you feel” which is just as well for him as he is six years older than I am. As for years, this one is a doozy. All plans have been put on hold and we are just concentrating on “Stayin’ Alive”. See you on the other side of Covid!

  3. hdh says:

    Thanks for reading. Stay well.

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